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Dr. Vivek Bansal

Dr. Vivek Bansal

Radiology Partners (RP) recently unveiled a Neuroradiology and Stroke Clinical Pathway.

Drawing from current guidelines and the extensive expertise of RP’s national subspecialty division for neuroradiology, RP’s Clinical Value Team is pleased to offer practical guidance for acute stroke care. This clinical resource includes:

  • Operational insights for the entire stroke team
  • A triage checklist for nurses
  • Imaging checklists for technologists
  • Tips for interpreting radiologists
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RP’s national subspecialty division for neuroradiology is led by Dr. Vivek Bansal and a five-radiologist advisory board. This group of practicing neuroradiologists are subject matter experts who support the efforts of the Clinical Value Team. They identify best-in-class clinical programs, tools and efficiencies to improve clinical value and quality of neuroradiology throughout RP’s network. The team leverages the scale and expertise from across RP to share education, tools and processes so that all practices can deliver high-quality subspecialty care to patients in their communities.

“We are collaborating to create a true best practice paradigm that includes sharing ideas and helping all practices deliver subspecialty-level care,” said Dr. Bansal. “To respect the autonomy of individual local practices, our team is working to create clinical pathways RP practices can utilize as desired to help achieve clinical goals and elevate their stroke care. I am truly excited by the prospect of utilizing our radiologists’ expertise to implement meaningful change for our patients.”

Radiology Partners Clinical Value Team exists to elevate patient care and enhance value through innovation, collaboration and education. Radiology Partners, through its owned and affiliated practices, is a leading physician-led and physician-owned radiology practice in the U.S. For the latest news from RP, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and the blog.

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